My friends are animals. Simply put: they have no shame. Now that we are graduates, we are sort of spread out all over the east coast. This weekend was one of the few weekends most of us were able to meet up. We chose New York City for a birthday celebration extravaganza.
I decided to take the bus, as it was a mere $26, giving it away in my opinion. At 6 a.m. while still drunk from a long night out, I made my way to the bus station. Just as the doors were about to shut and I had conquered two seats for myself, someone runs on the bus and sits down right next to me. I put my headphones in and read my magazine until I felt something on my shoulder. My new neighbor decided to rest her head on me, not knowing of my hatred of affection and being touched. Rather than do the normal thing; I “accidentally” elbowed her in the face, making it clear that our four and a half hours together was a time of no contact. This was just the start of the 48 hours to come.
When I arrived in NYC, we immediately had to get food. We are not the type of girls who order a salad and call it a day. If good food is in site, we are going there, regardless of whether or not we had a meal five minutes before. So we had a late lunch, went to the hotel and had an “appetizer” of sushi and then went and ate our way through the Little Italy street fair.
The Little Italy street fair was packed to the point where you could barely move, but when you did and you got a whiff of the pasta, pizza, gelato, etc. it was like a little taste of heaven. After one sandwich, six pasta bowls, a few meatballs, some stuffed shells, cannolis, gelato, cheesecake, and a few zeppoles split between seven people, we decided to call it a night.
New York City is not my favorite place in the world, but if their food was any indication of their lifestyle, I was more than happy to stay there for two days. We got a hotel room on Wall Street, as if to pretend like we are classy. I’ll be honest; we are the farthest thing from classy. After a few drinks and some bonding with my best friends, we headed out to one of the bars in Union Square.
NYC confuses me, I’m not going to lie. The transportation system is overwhelming and the people are somewhat crazy. No offense to all the New Yorkers out there, I love crazy people, but to take it in in such a short time can be difficult. When we got off of the subway, I lingered behind with two of my friends. We drifted off into a Dunkin Donuts to use the bathroom. When we got there they told us in order to use the bathroom we must be paying customers. As it was an emergency, my friend bought a water bottle and we ran into the bathroom. The guy then told us that it was one person at a time. Frustrated with the attitude he had already given us, I went back out and told him that we needed moral support for the disgusting state of their bathroom and if he had a problem with that perhaps he should clean it.
Already annoyed, we went outside to locate our friends. They were gone. They left the three biggest morons alone in the middle of New York City with not a clue as to where we were going. Unsure as to how far we were from the bar, we hopped in a cab. When we told the cab driver the name of the place he laughed and said we probably should have walked, but proceeded to drive us anyway. So three minutes and six dollars later we arrived and much to the dismay of the people behind us, jumped in line with our friends.
I won’t go into the details of the night, but it ended in another cab that said we were outside of our hotel when in fact, we were dropped off about six blocks away with very little brain cells to use toward directions.

The following day was spent the same way as the first; eating our way through New York City. I got on the bus full and happy and just as we pulled away the scent of Italian food drifted my way and I began to miss my friends. Like I said, we aren’t normal, we aren’t classy, and sometimes we are really unintelligent, but when we are together none of those things matter, we are just us. As far as New York City is concerned, I give you a lot of credit. You’ve got a city full of some very entertaining people and I will be back soon to bring some more amusement into my life.
My favorite sign at the second Italian market we went to in 24 hours.
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